After the final notes ring tonight in Los Angeles at the second tribute concert for Taylor Hawkins, the members of the Foo Fighters will be left to figure out what’s next for the band and their careers. It’s hard to imagine trying to replace a character as important or who sat as large as Taylor Hawkins, but it’s been done with some success before. But if the Foo’s keep his memory as a tribute, the band could keep going for years to come.

In a recent interview with The Plug With Justin Jay, Foo Fighters guitarist Chris Shiflett suggested the Foo’s could keep recording new music and continue on in the memory of the late Taylor Hawkins. Shiflett was asked if reports skirt around asking band members about Taylor and life after, Shiflett explained, “Most people that I’ve encountered have been respectful about it or try to avoid it. It probably will be [more of a thing] when we ever get around to putting out another Foo Fighters record and go back into the promo boogie woogie.”

Do you think the Foo Fighter’s will continue to make music? Drop us a note on social media!

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Filed under: Foo Fighters